Monday 9 July 2012


It's the penultimate week for Kristin's Summer of Colour ice cream challenge and this week the colours are Wild n Reckless Sherbert - in other words bright blue, mauve and mid-green.
I probably stand alone in saying that this has to be the most unappealing colour combination for me - I don't think I would ever mix these colours for clothing, home decor or even gardening -  I feel mauve somehow kills bright blue when they are next to each other.  However, I decided to mute the colours somewhat and this helped me create this weeks sketchbook page.

I ended up having real problems with this - it just hasn't worked - I think there is too much going on and I've 'over egged the cake' so to speak!

However, not to be put off I decided to get the camera out and try and continue with the colour theme.  The flowers are a mixture of photos from my archives and a couple from the garden this week - the blue Ceratostigma (centre) is in full bloom at the moment and looking wonderful, as is the purple geranium (bottom left), although they are in completely different parts of the garden!  The last two mosaics are of things I found around the house.  I am linking these to Mosiac Monday over at Little Red House.

Finally, I found this beautiful Passion Flower while out and about this week.  The colours were almost right, but the stamens were yellow.  With the help of Photoshop I managed to manipulate the flower to fit the colour scheme - I do think it's rather pretty with the mauve centre but feel a little guilty at cheating like that!!!  I'm linking this colour palette to Rosie's 


  1. Gorgeous work. Your page is great, the subdued version of the colours is very appealing. I love the photos you have used, too, and the changed passiflora is a hit! I like how you have incorporated the books, too - great idea! Havea good week, Valerie

  2. This is really gorgeous work. Great page and I love the colors. But also that beautiful and marvelous scene.
    Lovely greet

  3. have been busy being wild'n reckless Diana..I agree, not one of my fave colour combos either!!...but you rocked this week...beautiful pics and I adore your collaged page...I can't see any problem with it... maximum embellishment is my motto!! Jan x

  4. I love it! It's really intriguing. :) And I love your photos collages as well. :)

  5. You're so very talented!!! I especially like the butterfly mosaic!!! Have a wonderful week! Cathy

  6. I'm so glad I wasn't the only one to struggle with the colours :)

  7. Oh isn't it strange, those that enjoyed the strawberry lemonade one seem to have struggled with this one and vice versa, for me the colours were completely up my street but I struggled with last weeks one LOL! I love what you've done from the muted colours on your page which is gorgeous, to the flowers and finally the alterations on the passion flower - sheer bliss!

  8. I love your sketchbook page -- so fanciful and dreamy. And the flowers in your garden -- oh my!! Beautiful post.

  9. I really love your color pallet this week. What a perfect flower for it!

  10. Very magical creation ~ so delightful and well done ~photography is excellent as well ~ ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Love your photographs but have to disagree about your artwork as I think it works REALLY well. It spoke to me of bottleing the pollen! The spots lead you around the piece and the concept of us capturing some of our wonderful world is brilliant. BJ

  12. Agree with all above that your muted approach really works! Also, it IS a very intricate piece, but NOT overdone. The background is absolutely perfect and dreamy. All your mosaics are wonderful too, my favorite being the one that includes the embroidery theads.

  13. Hi Diana! I LOVE your mosaics! The floral one is gorgeous, and those threads! Oh! Isn't it wonderful that you have a Passion Flower and I do, too, but they can look so different and be interpreted differently by us both?! I am really admiring your violets in the jar on your sketchbook page, and the way you put them on the globe...beautiful! Enjoy your week! Kath

  14. I loved everyone of these and.....well you sure were reckless but with such an artistic flair and the passionflower looks so good transformed like that.

  15. A neighbor of ours has a passion flower plant, I always stop when I pass it, those are the coolest flowers ever! Great photo! I absolutely LOVE your pollen piece at the top. It's incredibly creative, my favorite kind of art!

  16. Great interpretation of the palette! I think your page looks good. There is a lot going on compared to some of your other work, but you can still rest your eye on individual elements. I particularly like the jar :) And I can't pick a favorite mosaic - they all look fabulous!

  17. Just gorgeous. I so look forward to your posts. I just love your work.

  18. Yes, there is lots going on... but its all good! I love how you muted the colours.... to me it all works - and I think its great.

    Your mosaics are wonderful.... glad you pointed out the Ceratostigma as we have inherited these in our garden and I've never seen them before and love them :)

    btw thank you for your lovely comment - it made me smile :)


  19. beautiful page, the muted colours work well I think! Lovely photos too!

  20. I love how you just kept on going even though the colours didn't appeal to you. Some fantastic output.

  21. I really like your journal page, no matter what you say! I love how you juxtapose things - so whimsical in a way, but they speak to me. It took my breath away when I first looked at it - I think when we work and work on something, by the end we can't see it with objectivity.

    And I love your gorgeous pictures, as always, especially the mosaic with the butterfly (or moth) and the books - 2 of my very favorite things!

  22. Fascinating sketchbook page! I think you did a wonderful job muting the color scheme. Pretty mosaics, too.

    ♥ aquariann
    Art Update: Clematis Drawing

  23. I think your page is whimsical cute...nice photos too...i loved these

  24. The bottom photo collage is just gorgeous and I loved the saying over egged the cake... going to borrow that one if you don't mind, because I over egg all the time...xx

  25. I love your page Diana... there is a whole little story happening there that just draws you in... and love the postage stamps in the corner too... awesome photo collages as well...

    Jenny x

  26. Oh I think your page is wonderful! I love those muted versions of this week's ice cream flavour. Funnily enough, I didn't see mauve at all, I saw it as hot pink (but then I am partially colour blind!).

    Your other photos are so pretty :o)


  27. Ohhh thats such a delicate beautiful piece. I adore this fairytale creation.
    Please feel free to grab my summery new backgrounds from Dezinaworld right now. I made them especially for my friends
    hugs June x

  28. Your mosaics have absolutely proven that the colours do mingle quite happily. Beautiful.

  29. Very inspiring! The journal page looks lovely in the muted colors. The mosaics with the flowers are stunning. The color combination is eye-catching. Your garden must look fantastic at this time of the year.

  30. Love this, love the images and the colours. They reminded me right away of the gorgeous Peacock I photographed the other day~

  31. I really like your page,with the colors muted and the images that you used it has an ethereal feel to them.Your photo mosaics blew me away!(I like the flower with the stamen changed,it feels natural even if it might not be.:)

  32. I love the wonderful colored flower pictures and also the other compositiones very much. They make me immediately dreaming of a beautiful garden. And I do not think you should feel guilty because of cheating but be proud of beeing so creative with the passion flower ;)

  33. Well I think it's stunning and not at all over-egged :) maybe when you go back and look at it again you'll love it as much as we all do! Also especially like the photo mosaic at the bottom too - your work is an inspiration!

  34. So glad I found you! Love the photo collage and will try to make one tonight! I'm following you now. The periwinkle blue of those flowers is stunning! Barb

  35. Awesome work of the whole concept and that flower is stunning!

  36. Fabulous photo montage! You have stunning objects laying around the house!! LOL. I LOVE them all but my favorite is the blue jewelry & old books. Hugs.

  37. I was fascinated by your color study. Blessings!

  38. So glad I have stopped by through Paper Pumpkin...this is a beautiful blog. I will be back!

  39. I love this page, so pretty! Great work!

  40. Beautiful 'photo-quilts' - you really nailed the colours.

  41. I think your art is beautiful.Those photos are stunning.Wow!that last flower a masterpiece.

  42. I am like you, but converted, lol I didn't think I would like the color combination either, over at Summer of Color, but once I played with them, now I love them! Enjoyed all your pictures, wish I had photoshop! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  43. A very interesting challenge, Diana! I think you did really well with it. I like your interpretation of the pollen around the world but it is rather a difficult combination.

    I love what you've done with the mosaics. I've got a butterly wing brooch like that somewhere... Must dig it out! I've also got some peacock feathers, and want to have a go at trying to capture the dichroic nature of these things with my new Perfect Pearls.

    I have got an ATC especially ear-marked for you (not expecting a swap unless you want to - absolutely no pressure! Call it a RAK!) - if you would like it, please email me with your address.


  44. Wow, I love all that you offered~ So many beautiful ideas and combos! :D

  45. Hi Diana, thank you for your lovely comment about my little platypus - the pattern on his back is called Nzepple (derived from Zeppelin, I presume lol!!) and it's a fun one to do. I love the patterns of tortoise/turtle shells too - must zentangle one one day!

    I'm afraid your second email hasn't come through either. I've checked my spam folder but it's not there. I'll check the link on my blog to make sure it's as it should be but I have received emails via it before, I think. Sorry about this.


  46. Hi Diana, thanks for your comment on my blog - and glad you like my latest creation! I love the alcohol inks, and I'm looking forward to getting the pen so I can start doing more detailed work with them, now I've made up my palette. All the Distress Inks have wacky names like that! How about Faded Jeans, and Frayed Burlap? Not to mention Rusty Hinge and Broken China! I love them all. If there was such a thing as Desert Island Art Materials, I think DIs would be top of my list of 8!

    I still haven't received an email from you, and again, nothing in my spam folder. Did you click on the "email me" link in my blog? I sent myself a test email that way today and it worked OK, and I checked the html in the gadget on my blog and that seems to be OK. I can't think what can be going wrong - it's really weird!


  47. You never cease to amaze me Diana, you take a challenge and run with it and always produce such wonderful results. I love the mosaics.
    Lynn and the Doodly birds x

  48. such lovely work! I like the first piece best!! So randomly fun :-D

  49. Your works beautiful, justvlove this piece! Trace x.
