Thursday 4 July 2013

Summer Of Color Week 4 and ICAD

Well, this weeks colours of charcoal grey and pink for the Summer of Color challenge have been an unmitigated disaster!  I have long had a love of Japanese gardens - I think the order and symmetry appeals to my slightly obsessive compulsive personality!  To me the colours conjured up the simplicity and tranquility of Japanese gardens, and I tried to capture the essence of it, leaving some areas unworked and keeping the design quite minimal.  However, what was going on in my head wouldn't transfer down through my hands into the work!  I don't think my ideas gelled really - the colours are too 'thick' - maybe a more watery delicate background, like a translucent colour wash would have worked better.  I don't like feeling this is unresolved so I might have another go at it!

I'm also linking up to the index-card-a-day challenge over at Daisy Yellow.


  1. You may not be happy with your results, Diana, but I think the cards are lovely. I love the way you pair stitching, fabric and paper in these cards. They are very soft and beautiful.

  2. Oh my! You don't like these?! I really like them and am impressed with your stitching on such lovely cards!!! Beautiful use of the pink and gray color combo this week! Hope you have a happy, creative day! ~ kathy

  3. wonderful wonderful... really, there's nothing to be not liked :)
    But I understand what you mean - if one has a certain idea, and the result doesn't represent this idea, than it can be disappointing. Well, that said, I hope you're more satisfied with your next try!!!

  4. Pink and grey go together so well, don't they? I love the four cards actually, but my favourite is the top left hand grey one....I like the meandering pathway.
    So, two more things in common then! I love Japanes gardens too and my OCDness is getting mildly worse as I age!! Lol
    Hugs, LLJ xx

  5. your work is so lovely... I think you have such a clean and open quality... I like three of these a huge amount and love the spaces you left... I like the other as well but it is the more open ones that really work for me... happy week 4 and icad...xx

  6. Interesting combination of colors and stitching! I may need to drag out my sewing machine again! Nice SOC work!

  7. What do you mean??:). This is all so stunning!!. Gorgeous colors, gorgeous detail. I'm just lucky to have made this visit, I have been denied of my own blog?!?. I can't go to my blog at all, let alone visiting others :). I can't figure out what's going on with my laptop yet, LOL. But, yes ... truly your work is inspiring!. Wish me luck.

  8. You have captured the mood of these colors I think beautifully. Wonderful stitching and elements make this special!

  9. I cannot believe that you are not happy with the results! These cards are absolutely beautiful! I love the stitching and all of your beautiful details!

  10. Steady on! Unmitigated disaster? What - where?

    The details are absolutely beautiful... I am always amazed when I click for the larger image.

    Have a great weekend

    Karen x

  11. I'm running very late and trying to get to everyone, but was delighted to be able to leave a comment for BOTH SOC and ICADs. I believe you are being way, way too hard on yourself. These are stunning. Your attention to detail shows, even in pieces you aren't especially satisfied with. I love them all.

  12. Love your use of beads, fabric and stitching! fabulous colors too--great icads!

  13. I love the art of emptiness piece

  14. They look lovely to me too...I love to stitch fabric & bits to my cards. I frequently feel that something isn't quite right. I put them away and in a few weeks they miraculously look wonderful. The time fairies have worked their magic...

  15. Your cards are so pretty! Love the stitching!

  16. I see no disasters, even if they did not join up with the ideas in your head. These are truly gorgeous. Love the stitching details. Great work!!

  17. Well, since we can't see the vision in your head, we just see the lovliness that is there! They're beautiful in their simplicity, and yet when you look closer there's all that wonderful detail.

  18. Oh, I love seeing your work for SOC challenge...these are wonderful :)

  19. Your charcoal and pink SOC colours for your stitched artworks have stopped me in my tracks, they are so gorgeous in their simplicity. I have just treated myself to a very light mini sewing machine today because my beloved Pfaff is too heavy for me to lift now, and your lovely pieces inspire me to aim for the beauty of simplicity shown in your pieces. I think the colours work well, but I can see what you mean about wanting the delicacy of Japanese blossom for the pink and a softer grey.
    I missed these last week because life events overtook me, but I am glad I returned to find them.
    Thank you for your nice comment on my blog - much appreciated.

  20. Doesn't look like a disaster to me! I can understand not being satisfied because something didn't turn out as you intended - that happens to me a lot - but I think these can definitely be appreciated for how they did turn out. They're very pretty.
