Wednesday 23 December 2020

Christmas Gift Boxes and WOYWW

 The Christmas preparations are done - the last of the cards and tags have been made and presents posted, and I've just finished two little gift boxes for my brother-in-law and nephew.   Now I just have to remember to put the gift card and cash in them, or that could be embarrassing!

I'm linking up with Julia over at WOYWW this week.

I hope you all have a happy, safe and creative festive season, and here's hoping 2021 will be a kinder year to us all.

Wednesday 16 December 2020

My Untidy Desk and WOYWW

 You'd think, wouldn't you, that having shielded since March and been in one long lock down that I'd be sitting here in a beautifully organised and freshly decorated home, with a large pile of hand made cards written and ready to post and all the Christmas presents wrapped?  Well you couldn't be more wrong - I'm making and posting about 4 cards a day and I'm still waiting for presents to arrive from on line shopping so I can wrap them and post them out to people.  I haven't even started on tags yet and the house is a tip - although that doesn't really matter as we won't be having any visitors!

Here's a shot of my desk that you won't normally see - the white tablecloth has gone and it's covered in clutter!  I've had some orders for bobbins which need to be painted, varnished and spangled (beaded), hence a tin of varnish, 2 boxes of beads and a cup of ready-made spangles, plus painting and card making equipment.  What a mess - I find it stressful working in such a small space but for once I really can't keep putting stuff away between tasks- those bead boxes are far too heavy for a start!

 I'm joining in with Julia over at WOYWW this week.

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Christmas Clock

This little Christmas scene has been a long time in the making, and for yet another year I've brought it out and sat it on my desk in the hope I'll finish it this winter!  
It started life as a clock from a charity shop, I emptied it's internal organs out and
filled it with Grit Paste and Christmassy things.  I've pretty much finished it now, just one or two little things to add as the background is rather bare and I need to work out how to illuminate the inside as it's rather dark in there. 


I am joining in Julia over at WOYWW.
I enjoyed seeing so many of you at the evening Zoom meeting on Saturday - it was great to put faces to names!  A big thank you to Julia for organizing it.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Crackle Paste and WOYWW 600

Wow, it's WOYWW 600th anniversary - what an achievement!
A huge Thank You and a massive Congratulations to Julia for bringing us all together and creating such a friendly, kind and supportive community each week.

 I'm trying not to let the side down but this is the sum total of what I have done this week - using crackle paste that didn't crackle, inks and Glossy Accents.
I was planning on doing a lot more but other situations have arisen and taken up my time, however I decided to photograph it anyway as I could hardly not join in on the 600th episode could I!