Wednesday 10 July 2024

Embroidery Mat and WOYWW

A few years ago I picked up a wool ironing mat from a crafting/quilting fair -it's been brilliant and I use it all the time when I'm sewing - among other things it's a pin cushion and a place to pin little scraps that I'm working with.  The downside is that I often pick up fibres from it while sewing and end up picking them out of the embroideries with tweezers!  So this week I decided to cover one side of the mat with some smooth cotton fabric.  I blanket stitched it all around the sides - this means the covered side can be used for sewing and I can flip it over for ironing - the embroidery doesn't get flattened when ironed face down on the wool side.

 I'm sewing my way through some more little garden themed collages - we get a lot of sea mists in the mornings living so close to the water and I love the way the garden peeps through in such lovely soft muted colours.  
The corners of the mat were a bit hit and miss and are all different, giving it a very individual look!! 

I'm linking up with Sarah over at WOYWW this week.


  1. Ah, who cares about the corners?! We wouldn’t have noticed until you pointed them out - such a great idea with the mat, you get the best of both worlds. Those little embroideries are so delicate and beautiful, I love them a lot but also that little wooden stand to hold the thread cards, wow, clever idea!! Was that a Hubby Make?
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  2. As long as it works for you, long live individuality. Those little quares are seriously lovely. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy#9

  3. Oh Diana, how I miss you on WOYWW when you don't appear but how wonderful it is to see what yu have been up to when you do.
    I think the covering of that wool ironing mat is a great idea and who is going to see the corners anyway? You I know. It's like I had a tiny spot, ever so tiny, of paint on something the other day. I tried to remove it but stopped before I ruined it, so I went over it with some paint and gave it a different look. DH said it was fine and he wouldn't know it was there bui he acknowledged that I would be drawn to it all the time. I'm no perfectionist but sometimes these things irk
    After all that I must say your embroidery collages are wonderful. Absolutely exquisite. Do you exhibit your wares?. And if so do you sell them? Maybe you cannot bare to part with them. Anyway, they are stunning and I am glad you get those morning sea mists if it means you produce these.
    Hugs Neet 2 xx
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  4. What a great idea with your mat....two uses in one. I love your embroideries.
    Annie x #7

  5. Oh the wool mat sounds like a great find and even better with one side covered now. Your little embroideries are delightful and I can just sense the mist over the waters that you see in the mornings through your work. Maybe I could do a bit of embroidery now I've had my steroid injection as my symptoms have been reduced greatly - hmmm. As for the ephemera, never think you have enough personally but loads of stuff squirrelled away over the years just trying to use it up really. Hugs BJ#4

  6. Oh I do love those fabric garden collages Diana.Quick comments on my phone before Awards Evening. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah

  7. beautiful little designs, it's great to see you this week - and the mat looks so useful too. like Jan says, who cares about corners!! Have a fabulous week and I hope we see you again soon for WOYWW Helen #1

  8. Hi Diana, gorgeous soft muted colours on your project today and just perfect for the effect you're aiming at. It's so good to see you here too. Sending you hugs and wishes for a happy woyww, Angela x10x

  9. The corners of your ironing mat are just fine. Such a clever idea to cover one side allowing you to just get on with your embroideries without the problem you had before. And I love your garden collages - they are so beautiful. Have a good week. Elizabeth x #15

  10. Your embroideries are so so delicate and beautiful. Do they get framed or incorporated into something else? Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  11. That mat sounds like a brilliant item - especially now you have covered one side. Your embroidery is beautiful! Happy WOYWW! Susan #8

  12. I'm oh so late visiting the desks. No excuses just too many things to do! Your little embroideries are a delight and I can just imagine your mist swathed garden.😃 Well done on the ironing mat a great idea and such neat blanket stitch. x x Jo

  13. HI there!
    First off, I love the thread bobbin holder! What a clever idea. Might be showing that to hubby when he comes home. I could make myself but he needs tasks. LOL
    Great job on making that board dual purpose. I use a hot pad from the dollar store with my mini portable iron when I'm filming. I also have a drop leaf on the end of my work table for medium sized projects. What we don't come up with, eh?
    Creative Blessings & Hugs! Kelly #15
