Wednesday 14 December 2016

Christmas Cards

Here we are screaming towards Christmas and I don't feel anywhere near prepared for it!
Here are a few snippets of cards and tags I've made, I've only managed a small handful this year.  I started crocheting small woolly trees thinking it might be a quicker and easier way to make a bulk lot of cards but I then discovered that Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and crocheting just don't work well together!  I forgot to photograph them too!  Oh well, perhaps I'll be more organised by next week - or not!

I'm linking up with What's On Your Work desk Wednesday this week.  I hope you have a great week and are on schedule with all your preparations!


  1. Crochet and an arthritic index finger joint are not a good combo either...sigh! I'd like to see your little teees though, they sound fab. Your work is gorgeous as can just feel the Christmassiness 💖💖💖
    Hugs, LLJ 11 xx

  2. My opening sentence is almost identical to yours LOL! Your projects are always so atmospheric, Diana! Love the spots of red in these! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #21 - right behind you :)

  3. Gorgeous cards live all the snowiness of them dont many snowy cards dis it's very unsnowy here. Great work Diana.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in Oz.x #6

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  4. Hi Diana, I'm also going to say how much I admire the atmosphere you always manage to convey with your artwork. I love the colours here too, such a gorgeous rich red. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xxx

  5. Exquisite, as always! I love the red/off white combo. Those wreaths!!! :) Hugs, Autumn

  6. Absolutely beautiful, as ever! Such a gorgeous colour combination. You are so talented! Thank you for your visit. I am sorry to hear that you have osteo arthritis as well, and also carpal tunnel - that's certainly adding insult to injury! My GP said the arthritis was more common in the dominant hand because there's more wear and tear - unfortunately I've got it in my right hand. Thank you for what you said about my project - I'm so glad you like it! I am certainly having fun with it. Still quite a bit of work to do but it's coming on nicely now.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18

  7. you may not have done many, but they are stunning! my cards were really plain and simple this year, mainly due to starting late.. actually not that at all, I never do elaborate! I love yours. Helen #1

  8. Oh so beautiful. You are so clever. Arthritis is is a terrible thing. Causes me some grief as well. Anne x #13

  9. Beautiful cards. Love the colour. I bet it isn't a lot of fun crocheting with CTS. Hope it isn't too painful.

    Have a great WOYWW
    Sharon K #27

  10. Far from being on schedule here. Hopelessly disorganised this year. I did have a bit of luck when I realised I could hand out a large portion of my cards at a big family party last Saturday though. Your creations are beautiful as always. I do love a mixed font sentiment.

    Fiona #24

  11. Stunning, absolutely glorious...and oh bless husband suffers from CTS and he has to have injections every 4 months, but they are only lasting about 2 1/2 months much pain. Merry Christmas~

  12. My goodness - what beautiful snippets those are! I've been playing with a program called PicMonkey, making a few photo collages, and those snippets would make any Christmas collage look fabulous!! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #35

  13. Such a talented lady! I suffer from CTS myself but if I'm careful I can control it. I think mine started when we first had computers in school without proper Mouse mats but all the sewing I did for so long probably didn't help. Thanks for the visit to mine, have a great woyww and happy crafty week,
    Angela x 12

  14. Just gorgeous! I love the snow on the red.
    April #29

  15. Love the little touch of red. You always achieve such a dramatic effect with your photos and it sings christmas to me. Have a lovely week.
    sandra de@15

  16. They look stunning!! The craft, white with those little touches of red, go so well together!! I bet theye look een better irl...

  17. Absolutely gorgeous tags - if anybody can turn me on to the delights of red, it will be you!

    Sorry to hear about the CPS - my mother had it in both wrists and, threatened with operations which would mean no driving for 6 months, she went off investigating as is her wont, and arrived at the Alexander Technique as a possible solution. A few lessons later, no operations, and all completely better for the last 15 years. Do drop me an email if you'd like to know more...
    Alison x

  18. Diana, those tags and cards are simply they ALWAYS are! That red just POPS! I am absolutely NO WHERE near finished! I have a LOT to do still! It's sad really that I wait until the last minute to do things, but old habits are hard to break! LOLOL Maybe next year I will be on time! LOL Merry Merry Christmas! Felicia #38

  19. Somehow it's hard to think of you in a panic of doing stuff, your work always seems so calming! Beautiful wreaths there, they look,fab. And I can photo the crochet tree for you..thanks for the gorgeous card, so thoughtful of you. X

  20. Oh such a Christmassy feel to your post - totally beautiful as usual. x Jo

  21. Absolutely lovely, Diana! Your tags alone are such wonderful gifts - each so beautiful and original! I love those wreaths and flowers, the little snow accents, the various messing in different fonts, in short - love the lot!! xxx Lynn

  22. Those cards are absolutely gorgeous, and just scream Christmas. I hope you're finding a little time to relax and enjoy the season a little. If you're like me you probably over-commit yourself - I wish December were a longer month!
