Wednesday 16 June 2021

Embroidered Needlecase and WOYWW

 It's been too hot to work up in my craft room this week, but it's been the perfect weather to sit and sew in a shady spot of the garden - so to be productive I've made myself a needlecase for my beading and tapestry needles!  

This happy mail arrived yesterday from Julia - what a gorgeous ATC and card and such a delight to receive - thank you so much Julia.

I'm linking up with Julia over at WOYWW this week.


  1. Only you could turn making a needle case into a work of art, it is stunning! Lynne loved your shell dish, it’d on her blog today, so thank for helping me out with that xxx. The ATC and card could only be from Julia, her signature style and colours!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  2. What an amazing needle case. You have created a real gem. It is beautiful. Nice that you got another ATC and from the queen of desks herself. Happy WOYWW from # 4.

  3. Love that needlecase, restful colours.
    have a good week
    Christine #24

  4. Only you could make a needlecase into a tiny work of art! It's a beauty and so carefully and thoughtfully made. xx Jo

  5. The needle case is gorgeous! I love the embroidery and beading!

  6. Your needle case is wonderful, so neat! Love the embroidery too . Angela #18

  7. Lovely ATC and such a gorgeous piece of needlework. Have a lovely woyww. Sending hugs, Angela x14x

  8. I love your needle case! it's perfect - and how fabulous to be able to sit outside to make it. I'm just a tad hot right now!! Helen #2

  9. Your needle case is absolutely beautiful, Diana. I think a needle case is a perfect way to make a miniature piece of art - this is what I wanted to do with my Tiny Carpets project! Last year I sat outside working at things but haven't yet had the opportunity this year. Something very restful about doing it out in the sunshine.

    Thank you for your lovely comment and good wishes. The scan went fine - no problems. It was an interesting experience! No results yet, of course, but no doubt I'll get an appointment at the Breast Unit again soon. I had another session of tidying this afternoon and made definite progress - it's starting to come together and it's nice to see the floor again!

    Glad you enjoyed the kitties - Ruby thinks she IS a princess! She loves to lie on a cushion looking royal. They both love the kitty throw as well!

    Regarding foiling machines, they aren't all as big as the TODO. The GoPress and Foil and Gemini Foilpress are smaller - they are basically just a hotplate and you heat up your sandwich on there (sounds like a sandwich toaster!!) and then feed it through your normal die cutting machine. The TODO just does it all. When not in use, the smaller ones would not need to be stored flat.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #8

  10. Beautiful and so delicate. I can just imagine you sitting in your garden with the butterflies flitting about whilst you sew. You do make the most beautiful things and the shell you painted for Jan to give to Lynne was so exquisite.
    Take care, Hugs, Neet 5 xx
    ps I thought numbers were falling yet tonight I read in the news that Bolton hospital had been forced to send some critical patients elsewhere to cope with the numbers. Worrying times. x

  11. So beautiful Diana, lovely neutral colours bet it feels wonderful in the hands. I agree completely, there's nothing like finding a shady spot and doing a little but of embroidery, always good company. Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey #9 x

  12. SUch stunning stitching Diana. Seems a sensible way to work in this weather. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  13. Such exquisite stitching Diana. I like to picture you sat in the shade, peacefully stitching away.
    Your photography is always so beautiful
    Take care
    Lynn xx 13

  14. Oh my gosh Diana, is that a gorgeous piece of art!! I agree with Jan, ONLY YOU could make a "needle case" a piece of art!!! Thank you as always for stopping by my my desk and leaving your lovely comment!! Here's to a beautiful weekend! Blessings, Felicia #26

  15. Beautiful work Diana!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #12

  16. These little cases are just so pretty, what a lovely way to spend the day in the nice weather. If I ever get through the stash I might find my embroidery supplies lol. Elle #19 and late

  17. Looking forward to design and beading again. Thank you for sharing your art piece and inspiring me.
