Wednesday 19 June 2024

Garden Shadows

 I've been working on a few mini collages based on shadows and shapes around my garden at dusk - always one of my favourite times of the day in the summer.  My garden is on two levels and has steps to the top garden but also lots of smaller steps from one area to another, little walls, and lots of paths - a great variety of shapes and textures to work with! These little collages are approximately 2 inches square, and after staining the backgrounds I added hand embroidery and collage papers, finishing off with gold leaf which I discovered is very tricky to attach to fabric!  

I'm linking up with Sarah for WOYWW this week.


  1. Those mini collages are beautiful. The colour palette is simply perfect and the turquoise shades shed light on each piece bringing them alive like your garden. Your garden, which I must say, sounds idyllic. The kind of garden I would love to have, one that has twists and turns with delights at each corner. Thanks for such a delightful post.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  2. Oh wow, those are gorgeous Diana and the gold leaf was worth the perseverance, it really adds to the design. I love the colours and textures, everything really!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  3. Oh my! They are stunning Diana! Those pops of gold are absolutely what makes the whole thing and I'm glad you persevered with it. I'm always curious as to how inspiration converts into the finished design for artists as my own work is really obvious! Here's hoping for a a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #6

  4. It's always a pleasure to see what you've been up to and loving these grids. The gold leaf really stands out too. Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs Angela x14x

  5. Gorgeous mini collages and gold leaf too - amazing. I'm going to try a steroid injection for my left hand CT (I skipped this stage with my right hand but after over 2 years and not really back to normal, I thought it might be worth trying the injection first) My appointment is a week tomorrow and yes in the meantime it is truly miserable. Don't seem to have shaken my sadness over the anniversaries yet either - oh my... Hugs BJ#11

  6. Sorry I'm so late calling by. I had a busy morning with sewing then had an appointment at the diabetic clinic this afternoon [all well].
    Your mini collages are gorgeous.....I love the bit of gold leaf.
    Annie x # 8

  7. your collages are stunning! thanks for your kind words- If you would consider making your comment box a pop up, rather than embedded, it would be a lot easier for many of us to comment- I have to change browsers to be able to comment as it is set up now. Robyn 17

  8. Those mini collages are stunning Diana. Thanks for showing the close up detail. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

  9. Lovely collages, the colours are stunning and I love the embroidery. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  10. Gorgeous colours textures and of course hand stitching 😃 beautiful little twinchies. X x Jo

  11. Your mini collages are so beautiful - I love the embroidery and gold leaf.
    Have a good week
    Lynnecrafts 13 xx

  12. so sorry I am so late, work do went on longer than I thought.... great collages, gorgeous colours. Happy late WOYWW Helen #1

  13. Love your mini two inchies, they are fab, you should frame them! Sorry for late visit, not at home this week but finding time to catch up! have a great week, Happy late WOYWW!?((Lyn)) #18

  14. These are absolutely lovely! Happy WOYWW! Susan #5
