Wednesday 9 March 2022

Abstract Art and Birthdays

My youngest nephew turned 17 last week and I needed a card and gift envelope - hopefully a card that wasn't too 'hobby' orientated, I've done guitars, fishing, Dungeons and Dragons and so on, and I felt it was time for something more grown-up!  So after some thought I decided to have a go at some abstract painting - my nephew is very arty so I hoped he'd appreciate it!
The layout of the card came from one I saw on Pinterest quite a time ago - I made a note of it in my sketch book but didn't record who it was by, so I hope if anyone recognises it, please let me know and I can give credit where it's due.  
I added gold leaf as the final touch but I'm afraid it doesn't really show up as gold in the photo.

I had such an  enjoyable time making the paintings that I've had another go in a different colour way - I shall cut this up and make some cards.

 During the week I found a lovely mint green cutting board hidden behind some very old portfolios - I can't remember buying it and have no idea how long it's been there but it blends with my 'new' room perfectly (last weeks post shows my mini makeover!) and hopefully I won't warp this one with the heat gun like I did my old grey one!

I joining in the the desk hop over at Julia's this week - you can find us at WOYWW.


  1. You do random and abstract so well! I find it almost impossible and everything ends up being symmetrical, I just can’t do it! Love the cards and I bet the gold highlight was the perfect finishing touch. Hooray for finding buried stash, hope it proves itself useful (if you don’t warp it!!)
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  2. Love the abstract art card and gift pocket. It's great how you have made a big piece and intend to cut it up for cards, I really ought to have a go myself sometime, great idea.

    Had a quick look back at last week and love the jade pots, such a soothing shade, brilliant that the cutting mat you found goes with the new look. I'm still on my original dark green one, I did have a similar warping with heat but only minor so it has re-established itself over the years. Really careful now... Thanks for the visit BJ#8

  3. Great abstract card, I am sure he will love it. Happy WOYWW.Angela #5

  4. I’ve made it to the blogs this week ....sometimes life just gets in the way and sadly it was the blogs that had to be neglected last week....sorry.
    I love the colours in your mini makeover and the card you made is gorgeous.
    Annie x #9

  5. Love both the card and the gift envelope, gorgeous colour choice and so suitable for that age and a male. I once saw a background done with some paint and papers and fell in love with it, it is a favourite of mine to do and always shakes me out of the doldrums when I do it. Hope this abstract of yours does that for you too.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  6. Well if your nephew doesn't like it , I'll have it!! ; it's beautiful xx thanks for visiting xx Helen #1

  7. Loooving your card and gift envelope with the touches of gold Diane ... treasured I'm sure it will be ⭐ can't wait to see your other art become cards, love it! Sending love and hugs Tracy #21 xxx

  8. I love your abstract art pieces - they look so professional. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#17)

  9. That sounds perfect for your Artsy nephew, looks great, I can see the gold touches!
    Isn't it fun when we find goodies in our stash.

  10. Your abstract piece is fab - you have such a talent for combining colours and I bet that pop of gold just finishes it off perfectly. It's amazing what you find tucked away when you have a good sort out isn't it. xx Jo

  11. The abstract card is so smart. I love your abstract painting. Isn’t it nice when you unearth something useful?
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 11

  12. I know I'm late but want to try and get round before bed. I am so loving those cards. If in doubt make an abstract, they always work. I had to smile at you finding something you can't even remember buying as that has happened to me before and it's nice to know you're not the only one. Wishing you a very happy woyww and sending hugs, Angela x15x

  13. Your abstract art is beautiful. It made lovely cards. Happy WOYWW. #23

  14. It’s worked wonderfully well Diana. Your nephew is sure to appreciate it, especially as he is arty.
    It’s good to challenge ourselves isn’t it
    Lynn xxx

  15. Just so lovely!! Heavens, I am always finding things I don't recall buying!! Every day has the potential for surprise!! Have a great week, Cindy #20

  16. ohooo I haven't done abstact painting for years! I ...usless you count what I did with the grandkiddies! Fabulous! Have a great week Happy Very Late WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#16

  17. What a beautiful card!
    (Well done on finding the cutting board)
    I am very late commenting but hope to get around everyone now...
    See you tomorrow!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #13
