Wednesday 22 May 2024

Embroidery and WOYWW

I've recently been making a few cards and enjoying the process of dyeing the backgrounds and embroidering the flowers - it's very relaxing.

A while back I came across a holder for embroidery thread bobbins and decided it would be ideal to separate and hold the colours I was currently working with. I just couldn't justify the rather high price of it so the Hubs made one for me - it does the job and keeps the spools tidily in one place while I'm working.   This holds 7 bobbins - a perfect size as I rarely need that many at a time, and I also didn't want it to take up too much room on my desk. 

After 15 years of running WOYWW, Julia has decided to pass the baton on to Sarah.  A big thank you to Julia for all the wonderful work she has done keeping the blog hop up and running for so long - she's done a tremendous job but is now off enjoying a well deserved Wednesday rest and new directions.  So hello to Sarah, and an appreciative thank you for deciding to keep this group going!  
I'm linking up with Sarah over at WOYWW