Wednesday 27 March 2024

Collages and Stitch

This week I've been keeping the creativity going and out of the prompt jar came the theme of Samplers and the colour Orange.  I chose to do a different embroidery stitch on each little collage square, and I'm using bits of dress pattern and some vintage embroidery transfers that I've had for absolutely ages! Still a few squares to go, and in case anyone is wondering what the sellotape is for, I use it to hold down the threads on the back when starting and finishing, instead of using bulky knots.

 My prompts are written on different colours of paper to depict themes, colours and techniques.  I haven't used the technique prompts yet, they are an extra help if I feel uninspired!  I know a couple of people have wanted to know what my prompts are so for anyone interested here are the lists.

Themes: birds, tree houses, seasons, landscapes, maps, text, gardens, samplers, beach, shadows.
Colours: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, neutrals, pink, grey, turquoise.
Techniques: tissue paper, wax, metallic, stencils, teabags, stitch, watercolour, pastel/chalk, photographs, die-cuts

I'm linking up with Julia over at WOYWW this week


  1. Love your page. What a lovely idea it was to do some embroidery on each rectangle. Not only something to look at but tactile too. I like your way of working and am tempted to do something similar but not quite ready yet.
    Have a lovely week
    Hugs, Neet xx 1

  2. Beautiful embroidery collages, Diana. I’ve been watching some videos by Louise de Masi. an Australian artist, on painting birds. I hope that helps!
    Take care, happy Easter and happy WOYWW!
    Lynnecrafts 4 xx

  3. Hi Diana, great to see you. I have written out some prompts ready for when I get stuck with the abstract grids but it's not happened yet and I'm working on mono colours at the moment but have cut some out to make cards too. Loving your grids and had wondered how long it would be before we saw some stitching. Happy woyww, Angela x12x

  4. Really love your collage squares. I love how you interpret the prompts.
    Annie x #3

  5. Beautiful work! Your collage squares are awesome!
    Chana Malkah, WOYWW #16

  6. Oh that's so beautiful! Having prompts to follow is a great idea! Happy WOYWW Helen #10

  7. There's nothing like a prompt really, they make me start and then I can really go off on a tangent and then there's 'OOh I can do this ' type stuff, love it when there's no necessary outcome. I worried for a minute that if the prompts for colours were on different colour papers that your mood would influence your choice of colour paper...but then I realised what you mean by depicting the prompts by colour! DOH!!! Very like the golden stitching, did you feel like rumpelstiltskin?!!!

  8. Oohh, that's a fab page! I like the idea of having prompts in a jar, so might just try that. Thanks for sharing!

    Hope you have a great week...


  9. Love your collages. I am really upset. Dolly, my chihuahua, got attacked this morning. A dog barking at her from the other side of the fence suddenly put his head through and dragged her in. I think she has come out of shock now, she has a puncture wound and a bruise. She is probably very sore too.
    Wishing you a very happy Easter. Angela #18

  10. Oh thanks for the lists they will come in jolly helpful if I am to keep up the journal page a day for 2024. Loving the samples and the stitches. I did a bit of hand sewing today but the carpal tunnel was far to bothersome (typing with wrist splint on now - awkward!) Dentist was good, major filling from 5 months ago holding out x-rays fine - phew! Hugs BJ#11

  11. I used to (machine)stitch a lot on paper but I really love the thicker yarn and hand stitches you use, gorgeous series! I wish you a lovely Easter-weekend! Hug from Holland, Marit #2

  12. Love your stitched collages. They are small enough to be easily doable and quickly completed too. The jar of prompts is a great idea. Have a lovely week. Elizabeth #6

  13. Super little collage squares. Love the muted colours!
    Susan #5. Happy WOYWW!
