Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Seed Head Embroidery and WOYWW #307

There is not much happening on my desk this week I'm afraid.
Some post-op complications mean I'm waiting for more surgery and I'm finding it a bit of a struggle to keep my enthusiasm going!
 However, I've been doing a little embroidery - it's very relaxing, and it's quite different for me to be working without a plan in mind - I'm just seeing where it takes me!  


I'm linking up with What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.


  1. So beautiful - just love it.

    Hope your complications are sorted for you soon - sounds nasty :(

    Carmen x #21

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that things aren't going to well at the moment. I hope things get sorted and I wish you a speedy recovery.
    I love all your lovely embroidery stitches. I saw a small book in the bookshop once about all the different embroidery stitches and didn't get it which I often regret.

  3. Hope your operation is soon Diana then you can get well so much quicker, complications are not something we need any time especially with our health. thoughts are with you and sending gentle hugs...

    Glad you are playing and keeping your mind off things, you always amaze me with how wonderful your stitching is :-) xxx

  4. Another lovely embroidery, Diana! I hope your surgery goes well and you're on the mend quickly!

  5. What a wonderful thing to have this calming activity during times of stress. Probably the nicest thing you can do for your body right now! Take care, & keep calm! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #51

  6. beautiful embroidery, wishing you all the best for your surgery and hoping that you are on the mend quickly
    thanks for sharing
    happy woyww have a great week
    Mrs. C.x #2

  7. Oh Diana, I am sorry to hear you have to go into hospital again. However you are doing the right thing, plenty of relaxation. Your embroidery is lovely, no gorgeous!
    Have a good quiet woyww and sending big hugs, Angela x

  8. How frustrating that you have to have another operation...sigh :-(. I'm really sorry to hear that, Diana...hope it isn't too far off. In the meantime, allow yourself some TLC. Your embroidery is exquisite, I love the pinks and different textures. Take care,
    Hugs, LLJ 13 xx

  9. Sending best healing wishes your way...hope you are feeling tiptop very soon!
    Really lovely embroidery ... no plan is definitely working.
    p.s. I looked up twee and I am afraid there are times when I resemble that remark hah I find I can even get sentimental about other people's things (as in a junk shop for example) learning a new word...thanks

  10. I'm sorry to hear you had complications and now have to go through another operation! I hope everything gets sorted soon and that you feel loads better.
    You free style embroidery is really looking lovely. Can't wait to see the finished object.
    Thank you for your visit and kind comment,
    Have a good week,

  11. Sending good wishes and hope things improve soon.

    Hugs diane

  12. Sending good wishes and hope things improve soon.

    Hugs diane

  13. Your embroidery is gorgeous. I'm so sorry to hear that you need more surgery. Keep your spirits up and think of all the new and beautiful things you are making. Thinking of you.
    Von #9

  14. Hi Diana, thanks for the visiting...I am certainly loving where your embroidery is taking you...just beautiful. Do hope the surgery gets sorted quick, thinking of you, Cheers Robyno#24

  15. Diana I am so sorry your not recovering as expected. I hope so much that good health returns soon. In the meantime your textile experiments delight me with their texture and delicacy.
    Much love x

  16. Hi Diana, what a nuisance for you, I do hope you feel better soon. What you are working on looks so beautiful, your stitching is wonderful. I wish you a speedy recovery. Stay positive.
    Lynn xx

  17. Your embroidery is beautiful, I sincerely hope you feel better soon,
    Take care,

    Angela x
    Angel Greetings #36

  18. Lovely work Diana.... hope you are soon feeling better

    Karen x

  19. So so sorry to hear you need further surgery - how frustrating. I hope it goes well and that you can get this behind you. Glad you have something relaxing to work on, and it's so beautiful. You make me want to dig out my embroidery thread and needles.

  20. So sorry to hear you are so unwell, keeping my fingers crossed for you! Your embroidery looks amazing! Wow, I can only wonder about what you can do with a needle and thread....

  21. Gorgeous. I hope you're getting taken care of and doing better.

  22. Hope you're well on the road to recovery now Diana. hadn't realised how much I've missed, so many wonderful posts to catch up on. This is beautiful where it's taking you. Ruth x
